Mark Bindhoff, New General Manager for ATI

Bindhoff has a degree in mechanical engineering and over 22 years of professional experience, including more than a decade in the Antofagasta Region.
The Board of Directors of Antofagasta Terminal Internacional (ATI) announced the appointment of Mark Bindhoff as the terminal’s new general manager, effective January 1.
Bindhoff has a degree in mechanical engineering from U. Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) and over 22 years of professional experience. He has been based in Antofagasta for more than a decade, most recently as Operations Manager for FCAB and Alternate Director of ATI, so he knows the region and the terminal in depth.
“Over the past few years, this port has been significantly modernized, improving the efficiency and sustainability of its operations and further diversifying its cargo. We have also strengthened our ties with the local community. We will continue to promote this line of work. Mark has vast experience not only in operations, but also in commercial areas and team building, which gives us full confidence that he will be a valuable addition to the terminal,” said ATI’s Chairman, Mauricio Carrasco.
ATI is a multipurpose port, with a strong focus on mining and trade with Bolivia thanks to its strategic location. The terminal’s shareholders are SAAM Terminals (35%), Grupo de Empresas Navieras (35%) and Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia (30%).