SAAM Terminals appoints Rodrigo Pommiez as the New CEO of ITI

SAAM Terminals announced the appointment of Rodrigo Pommiez as the new CEO of Iquique Terminal Internacional, one of the ports controlled by SAAM Terminals.
Rodrigo has an undergraduate degree in business administration from the U. del Biobío, an Advanced MBA from the U. Adolfo Ibáñez. He has held several port industry management positions in Chile and abroad.
“We are very pleased to welcome Rodrigo back home. He has worked with us in Puerto Buenavista (Colombia) and Puerto Caldera (Costa Rica), so he is very familiar with the company and the hallmark we strive to pursue for our terminal operations. This is essential to continuing to project ITI’s safety and excellence into the future,” said SAAM Terminals CEO Mauricio Carrasco.
ITI is a multipurpose terminal that handles containers, breakbulk, and project cargo. It is strategically located and directly connects to the Andean Macro Region (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina). Its main customers are mining companies in the region, the Iquique duty-free zone and the Bolivian markets.